Bærentzen, Lars
- Bærentzen, Lars. The British defeat of Eam, 1944-5
- Bærentzen, Lars. The "Paidomazoma" and the Queen's Camps
- Bærentzen, Lars. The liberation of the Peloponnese, September 1944
- Bærentzen, Lars. Studies in the history of the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949
Περιέχει τις εισηγήσεις – συμβολές:
- The Bevin-Marshall dispute of August–November 1947 concerning the withdrawal of British troops from Greece
- The Yugoslavs and the Greek Civil War of 1946-1949
- The Tito-Stalin split and the end of the Civil War in Greece
- The "Paidomazoma" and the Queen's Camps
- Yugoslav policy towards Greece 1947-1949
- Population movements in the Greek countryside during the Greek Civil War