Εκδόσεις Νεφέλη
- Οργανισμός
- 1979
- Αθήνα
- Έλληνες παραγωγοί, διαθέτες και εκδότες έργων
NEFELI Publishing was founded in 1979 and it is based in Athens, Greece.
It has published more than 1450 titles covering the following subject areas: Greek and Foreign Fiction and Poetry, Literary Theory and Criticism, Art, Music, Theatre, Philosophy, History, Linguistics, Sociology, Psychoanalysis and Children’s Literature. It also publishes the journals: Historein (on history, in English), Korekt (on Literature) and Chronos (www.chronosmag.eu).NEFELI has made a major contribution to the promotion of literature, having published books by over two hundred contemporary Greek authors, together with classic works of Greek fiction from 1800 to 1930.
In the Greek book market, NEFELI is distinguished by its quality, both in terms of production techniques and with regard to the choice and editing of the texts.
⟶ Από την ιστοσελίδα των εκδόσεων
- 753955 ⟶ Νεφέλη
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